Message from the Principal

Dear all,

NPS International School is hosting a Model United Nations Conference for students of Classes 8 to 12 from other schools in Singapore.

As Principal, it is my pleasure to extend an invitation to your students to participate in this conference to be held at NPSI Campus on Chai Chee Lane in Bedok.

Through this conference we hope to provide a unique opportunity to engage high school students in more productive dialogues, while developing strong friendship bonds.

The conference will draw attention to fundamental issues of global importance through different committees. The focus will be on concrete solutions and ways to make our world a better and more secure place to live.

This is a student led and managed initiative and is organised by IB Year 2 (Class of 2017) students. The Secretariat of NPSI MUN seeks participation in the MUN from your students. 

We request you to encourage your students to register for the NPSI MUN. The Conference dates are 19th August 2016 – 21st August 2016. Please refer to the attachments for further information. We look forward to eager participation from the youth in your institution.

Thank You

Warm Regards,
Kris Bhatt

Secondary School 
NPS International Singapore

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