NPSi Press

Fellow journalists and aspiring photographers,

If you’re interested in reporting and Model UN, the NPSi Press is the perfect platform for you. It is the right blend of advanced and novice reporting styles, and this year we’re proud to present the three News Channels: BBC, Al Jazeera and Russia Today. 



One of the oldest and most traditional UK based news agencies, BBC is accredited as the most accurate information sharing platform. While not as revolutionary as some of the big names out there, BBC has still made it big in the global platform. As a delegate of BBC, you will have to take a moderate stance towards news, but note that this approach will not reduce your autonomy as a news reporter by a huge margin. As a representative of the Great Britain, it is important for you to sustain the beliefs of the country and not go against the United Kingdom delegates.

So the Panama Papers have been leaked- what’s your take?


Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera was born in the tiny state of Qatar, after BBC’s Arabic Language television station  closed down after a year and a half when the Saudi government attempted to suppress information, including a graphic report on the executions that were taking place.  Hence, resulting in Aljazeera broadcasting for the first time in 1996. In recent times, Al Jazeera has had a reputation for being the largest and most controversial Arabic News Station in the Middle East. Hence, your role as a delegate for Al Jazeera is to write exciting, spruced-up versions of the truth while putting your own spin on Middle Eastern policies. 

ISIS is waging war. We’re sure the delegates of Al Jazeera have loads to say.


Russia Today

A government funded news agency, Russia Today or RT was launched in 2005. Today, it is one of the top news channels in the world. RT aims to provide Russian perspective on current events, and given how bipolar Mother Russia can be, we expect no less from the Putin funded journalists and photographers. Policies are failing, governments are falling, but we’re sure Russia Today can take on anything with a pinch of vodka.

So what say, delegates? You up for it?

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