1. What councils are there at NPSMUN 2016?

I do feel bad we even get such questions, but anyways. We have seven councils this year- which are further divided up into Cat A and Cat B. Cat A councils are DISEC, ECOSOC and HRC (you can find information about them if you click on the committees tab on the menu). These councils are designed for beginners, mainly those who have been to not more than 2 MUNs in the past. Cat B councils are LON, WTO, EU and HUNSC (you can find their information also if you click on the committees tab on the menu). These councils are for you experienced delegates looking for a slight challenge- and I do mean slight!

We also have three press agencies- Russia Today, Al Jazeera and BBC. I’m pretty sure there’s an option for press in the registration form but if you have trouble finding it, drop us a mail regarding your problem and we’ll solve it for you!

2. When is the conference? When can we register?

The conference is from August 19th- 21st! Registration is open until 2nd of August (23:59 hrs GMT +8:00). So don’t wait! Register Now! Click on the link below to register:


3. What is the conference fees? Who do we pay?

$40 per delegate.

(NPS Students) To pay the $40, please approach the specific personnel:

8th Grade – Smruthi Radhakrishnan (IB Year 2 A)
9th Grade – Manasa Madhusudanan (IB Year 2 B)
10th Grade – Keshav Sivakumar (IB Year 2 A)
11th Grade – Archita Ghattani (IB Year 2 A)

Non-NPS students who have registered, please pay the money when we have the mandatory delegate training (August 5th 2016).

4. How experienced do we have to be for this conference?

NPSIMUN is running for the third time this year so we ourselves aren’t exactly experts at this! But to cater to those delegates looking for a challenge, we do have a second set of councils under Cat B. For the others, there’s nothing to be worried about. There are plenty of other new delegates coming in every year and if you’ve been honest in your registration form (we sincerely hope you have!) you won’t have options that are too advanced for your experience! In any case, if you do encounter any problem regarding choice of councils or the registration form in general, don’t hesitate to drop us an email (which you will find in the contact us page).

5. Is there a specific dress code for MUN?

Yes there is. Every participant is to wear formal clothes. Casual clothes are not permitted and if any participant does appear with informal clothes, he or she will be asked to change into formal clothes.

6. “I am a beginner so I really don’t know about the MUN. What exactly is it?”

MUN or Model United Nations is the reproduction of the United Nations. Here, students receive a platform where they are able to share their ideas and solutions to a problem. Delegates would have to prepare Position Papers, Speeches and Draft Resolutions (during the council session – pre-written resolutions are not permitted). Delegates can research before-hand before they become ‘ambassadors’ of their particular assigned country.

7. “Do I need to carry anything to councils?”

Delegates should carry a pen and paper (several sheets). This is to make notes during speeches and for notepassing.

For all councils, excluding LON and HUNSC, delegates are allowed to bring their laptops to help in their research.

8. “How should I prepare for NPSiMUN ’16?

Research. Research on your country. Know it inside out. It is essential for you as a delegate to understanding the influence your country has and accordingly act.

Be prepared. At times, unexpected things may crop up. It is your job to prevent your country from facing any probably danger.

9. “Position paper? What is that? How do I write it?”

Position papers declare your country’s stance on a particular topic. It allows other delegates to deduce whether you would be an ally or an enemy. The method of writing a position paper will be taught in the mandatory delegate training session (which will now be known as MDTS). 

10. “Lobbying? What is that?”

Lobbying is when you go around council seeking allies or signatories or just showing your resolutions. Obviously, you cannot just walk in the middle of council session and just say “Hey!” In fact, the only time you can lobby is when you have unmoderated caucuses. Utilize this time to the fullest. Form blocs with your allies. Defeat the rival blocs. CHARGE!

11. “What are resolutions papers?”

A resolution paper are the solutions your bloc has come up with to solve the particular agenda. They are formed of Pre-Ambulatory and Operative clauses (further emphasized in the MDTS). There are several other necessary part required in your Draft Resolution (which will also be brought up in the MDTS).

When you submit it, it is a draft resolution, where people debate on the clauses in your paper and contend with yours. Note: there may be more than one resolution sent to the chairs if there are more blocs (which will definitely happen) in your committee. In that case, the voting on a draft resolution  would be on a ‘first come first serve’ basis. So hurry!

It is also possible for the council to fail and have no resolution passed at all. These are the usual cases in the UNSC councils because of… well… you know… USA and Russia’s love story!

12. “What is the dias?”

Dias is the place where the chairs sit. Sometimes, chairs may call the delegates to the dais. This doesn’t necessarily mean you are in trouble. Usually, it is a simple query, so don’t fret!

13. “When will my study guides be uploaded?”

The study guides will be in the ‘Committee’ tab. A personal mail will be sent to all the delegates with two attachments: the study guide and the Rules of Procedure.

14. “When are the Position Papers due?”

The Position Papers are due on the 15th of August. Please make sure you meet this deadline.

15. “I am not so strong on stand-up debate. Can I attend the MUN and not debate?”

There are two roles: Observer States and runners. While the latter is not really recommended because if you do apply as runners, you would have to move around passing notes (it is tiring, very tiring). To apply as an Observer State, drop in a mail to nps.mun@gmail.com.



Can’t find your question? No fear, NPSiMUN is here! Contact us by email: 


Useful Links:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0XrpsyFKR0

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6hufLEx_mI

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XOOiw5rKMw

4. http://www.una.org.uk/content/model-un-glossary

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